
about_us The Vision of the Institute is to develop as a center of excellence in the field of Social Science Research with special focus on Uttar Pradesh's Society, Economy and Politics for implementing this vision the Institute undertakes the following activities on a regular basis.

Conducting research studies in the field of social science on various aspects of development;
Training of academics and officials engaged in the task of research and formulation and implementation of development plans and programmes; and
Providing consultation and professional assistance to the government and other public institutions in the formulation of plans and programmes of socio-economic development.
Guiding research scholars for pursuing their Ph.D. in Economics, Sociology, and Political Science.

The aims and objectives for which the Institute is established are:

To undertake, aid, promote and coordinate research in Development, with special emphasis on the problems of India and her regions, particularly the promotion and growth of the weaker and/ or poor sections of the people with a view to bringing about social equality and removing economic disparity;
To provide academic and professional guidance to agencies, institutions and persons engaged in research in Development;
To provide, on request, advisory and consultancy services to the Government of India, the State Governments, universities, colleges and other educational institutions and organisations in the business industry or trade including organisations of Employees and Employers;
To act as a clearing house of ideas and information on research in Development with special emphasis on the problems of the public sector;
To collaborate with other agencies, institutions and organisations, including universities, colleges, Institutes of Management and other institutions in India and abroad, in such manner as may be necessary for the promotion of the objectives of the Institute;
To offer fellowships and scholarships in furtherance of research in Development;
To provide programmes of advanced training to researchers in universities and colleges with a view to improving the quality of research in Development;
To develop close working relations in teaching and research in Development with universities and colleges, especially with those in the Northern region and U.P.;
To prepare, print and publish papers, periodicals and books in furtherance of the objectives of the Institute and the promotion of Development;
generally, to undertake all such activities and programmes as may assist in promoting research in Development in India and her various regions;
To accept donations, gift, grants-in-aid, endowments, movable or immovable properties of any kind from the Government of India, the State Governments, Municipalities, District or Local Bodies, Public Bodies, or person or persons or Societies or companies on such terms as the Board of Governors of the Institute may, in their discretion, consider fit and proper;
To receive, sell, charge, hire, mortgage, or manage properties, movable or immovable, in furtherance of the objects of the Institute;
To invest moneys of the Institute in such a manner as the Board of Governors may consider for the safety and benefit of the Institute and to covert or change such investments, if required by the Board of Governors;
To borrow money for the purpose of the Institute;
To do all other things that are incidental to or decisive for the attainment or furtherance of the aims and objects of the Institute; and
To do all other things that are incidental to or decisive for management and control of the Institute.